FXPHD FLM208 Batch Compositing Techniques in Flame & Flare Free Download

FXPHD FLM208 Batch Compositing Techniques in Flame & Flare Free Download

FXPHD – FLM208 – Batch Compositing Techniques in Flame & Flare


This course covers advanced compositing techniques in Flame and Flare, taking examples from shots done for Cosmos, A Space/Time Odessy. All of the work will take place in Batch. Material to be covered includes color science, advanced keying (hard shots), camera tacking, particle system, sapphire sparks, and applying advanced compositing science to flame.
Note: since much of this course covers examples from a broadcast television series, limited footage will be distributed with the course. Footage will be provided for the keying lessons, however.