Graphicriver Various 4in1 Photoshop Actions Bundle Free Download

Graphicriver Various 4in1 Photoshop Actions Bundle Free Download

Various 4in1 Photoshop Actions Bundle - Photo Effects Actions

Various 4in1 Photoshop Actions Bundle

Create watercolor effectdrawing effecttypography/text effect, or shatter effect from your photos with this easy to use mixed actions bundle. Now you can create any of the most popular photo effects in no time!


The actions are tested and working in Photoshop (English versions) CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC 2015.5, CC 2017, CC 2018, CC 2019, CC 2020+ (‘ShatterPoly’ action is an exception and is working in versions from CS5+)

The actions are only working in English versions of Photoshop. If you are using another language, you can change the language in this way. After you play the action, you can change it back to your native language.

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