How To Color Comics – Digitally

How To Color Comics – Digitally

 How To Color Comics – Digitally
Have you been wanting to delve into the world of digital coloring, but are not sure where to start? Have you tried a few techniques, maybe from places like youtube, but found them lacking? If you’re wanting to REALLY bring up your A game in digital coloring, this is the course for you!


Join me as I go through the units below in real time. No fast forwarding. No quick edits to catch mistakes. Just looking at the REAL process and approaches to having a finished colored piece. This course was created in Clip Studio Paint, but is applicable for programs like Photoshop, and Procreate as well.

This course will cover…

    • Understanding Lighting
    • Flat Colors
    • How and Where to add Details
    • Cell Shading
    • How to use Layer Masks
    • Using Gradients
    • Real applications of Lighting
    • Line Hold
    • Color Hues
    • Painting
    • Effects
  • Other tips and tricks!