How To Film Interviews. and some Behind The Scenes Footage

How To Film Interviews. and some Behind The Scenes Footage

 How To Film Interviews. and some Behind The Scenes Footage

Join filmmaker Scott Baker in this quick course to learn to set up and film professional looking and sounding Interviews for your Documentaries, Corporate Videos, Testimonials, Vlogs, Tutorials, and YouTube Channels.


  • Camera Set Ups — for one and two-person interviews
  • Audio Set Ups  — types of microphones and placement, audio hazards
  • Lighting Techniques — 3 Point set up, using windows 
  • Location — choose a location that works aesthetically and technically


Whether you’re an aspiring Documentary Filmmaker, Vlogger, Content Creator or Beginner Videographer, this class is for all. It doesn’t matter if you’re using a high end camera or your phone, these techniques always apply, and it can be done with minimal lights as well as a proper lighting kit.

To make sure you thoroughly understand the material there are plenty of diagrams, tutorials, and real life examples. All designed so you finish this class feeling confident, and excited to use the knowledge and skills you’ve learned to take your filmmaking to the next level.

** Having at least one quality microphone (anything but the camera’s built-in mic) will make a noticeable difference.

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