HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals Free Download
HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals
Web Page Building
What you’ll learn:
Learn how to Author Content in HTML
Learn how to Cormat content with CSS
Understand Testing and Publishing HTML Content
Learn how to Add Animation and Multimedia
No experience or prerequisites required to take this course
HTML5 and CSS3 – two of the most integral and evolving web technologies that enable you to structure content to present it on the web. This course from Vision Training Systems is designed to lay the foundation for mastering these two popular web publishing technologies. Explore advanced features of HTML5, how to create HTML5 and CSS3 markup for various web browsers, mobile devices, and machine readers, such as search engine web crawlers. The course also demonstrates how to use advanced HTML5 multimedia features such as video, audio, and animation.
What will you learn?In this course the following content will be covered:• Authoring Content in HTML• Embedding and Linking Content• Formatting Content with CSS• Authoring Complex Content Structures• Testing and Publishing HTML Content• Creating HTML5 Content• Using Advanced Techniques to Select and Apply Styles• Using Advanced Background and Border TechniquesIncorporating Advanced Text Formats• Adding Animation and Multimedia• Making HTML Readable and Accessible
Course Outline:
Module 1: Course Orientation, Internet & Web
1. Instructor Intro
2. Course Intro
3. Internet and the Web
Module 2: HTML Basics
1. HTML Overview and Your First Webpage
2. Create a Template
3. Heading Element
4. Paragraph Element
5. Line Break Element
6. Blockquote Element
7. Phrase Elements
8. Ordered List and Unordered Lists
9. Description List
10. Special Characters
11. Structural Elements
12. Anchor Elements
13. HTML Validation
Module 3: Color & Text, CSS
1. Overview of Cascading Style Sheets
2. Using Color on Web Pages
3. Inline CSS with the Style Attribute
4. Embedded CSS with the Style Attribute
5. Configuring Text with CSS
6. CSS Class, ID, and Descendant Selectors
7. Span Element
8. Using External Style Sheets
9. Center HTML Elements with CSS
10. The Cascade
11. CSS Validation
Module 4: Visual Elements & Graphics
1. Visual Elements and Graphics
2. Types of Graphics
3. Image Element
4. Image Hyperlinks
5. HTML5 Visual Elements
6. HTML5 Visual Elements Continued
7. Meter and Progress Element
8. Background Images
9. More About Images
10. Sources and Guidelines for Graphics
11. CSS3 Visual Effects Pt 1
12. CSS3 Visual Effects Pt 2
Module 5: Web Design
1. Web Design
Module 6: Page Layout
1. Page Layout Pt 1
2. Page Layout Pt 2
3. Hyperlinks in an Unordered List
4. Practice with CSS Two-column Layout
5. Header and Text Image Replacement
6. Practice with an Image Gallery
7. Positioning with CSS
8. CSS Debugging Techniques
9. More HTML5 Structured Elements
Module 7: Links, Layout, & Mobile
1. Links, Layout, and Mobile
2. Fragment Identifiers
3. The Target Attribute
4. CSS Sprites
5. Three-column CSS Page Layout Pt 1
6. Three-column CSS Page Layout Pt 2
7. Three-column CSS Page Layout Pt 3
8. Three-column CSS Page Layout Pt 4
9. Three-column CSS Page Layout Pt 5
10. Three-column CSS Page Layout Pt 6
11. CSS Styling for Print
12. Designing for the Mobile Web
13. Viewport Meta Tag & CSS Media Queries
14. Responsive Images
15. Testing Mobile Display
16. Flexible Box Layout
17. CSS Grid Layout
Module 8: Tables
1. Tables Pt 1
2. Tables Pt 2
Module 9: Forms
1. Overview of Forms
2. Input Element Form Controls Pt 1
3. Input Element Form Controls Pt 2
4. HTML5 Form Controls
Module 10: Web Development
1. Web Development Pt 1
2. Web Development Pt 2
Module 11: Web Multimedia and Interactivity
1. Web Multimedia and Interactivity
2. Getting Started with Audio and Video
3. HTML5 Audio and Video Elements
4. CSS3 and Interactivity Pt 1
5. CSS3 and interactivity Pt 2
6. CSS3 Transform Property and Transition Property Pt 1
7. CSS3 Transform Property and Transition Property Pt 2
8. CSS3 Transform Property and Transition Property Pt 3
9. HTML5 Details and Summary Elements
10. Java, javascript, Ajax, jQuery Programming Languages
11. HTML5 APIs
Module 12: javascript and jQuery
1. javascript and jQuery
2. Debugging
3. Document Object Model
4. Events and Event Handlers
5. Variables
6. Programming Concepts
7. jQuery
8. jQuery Selectors and jQuery Methods
9. jQuery Image Gallery Pt 1
10. jQuery Image Gallery Pt 2
11. jQuery Plugins Pt 1
12. jQuery Plugins Pt 2
Module 13: Course Summary
1. Course SummaryWho this course is for:Students interested in learning how to build web pages
Who this course is for:
Students interested in learning how to build web pages
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