Hurlbut Academy – How To Shoot A Music Video
THIS COURSE INCLUDES: 2 Lessons, 30 minutes of instructional video, detailed written breakdowns, top-down lighting schematics, shot lists, Director’s Treatment, Schedules and Equipment lists.
IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN: I have been asked to shoot a Music Video, where do I start? Shane Hurlbut, ASC takes you through his 30 plus years of shooting these mini stories laid to music. He starts with the COVER SET. What is a cover set you ask? Well jump in here and as Shane pulls back the curtain on How to shoot a music video, from the Prep production process all the way to pulling the vision off on the DAY. He systematically breaks it down for you in easy steps so you can immediately put this into practice. This is what Shane learned while lensing, Nirvana-Come as you are, In Bloom, Lithium, Smashing Pumpkins– Cherub Rock, Stone Temple Pilots-Interstate Love Song, Vaseline, Guns & Roses-November Rain, just to name a few.