Hyperlapse Animation: Best Possible Way To Create Amazing Hyperlapse
In this course, I teach & show you all of my Hyperlapse secrets.
I show you my specific workflow in which I go really deep into the details on why and how I do specific steps.
This course has it’s focus more on my entire post-production workflow. I teach you from complete scratch (Importing, Stabilizing, Editing) how to get your Hyperlapses to the next level. You’ll learn step by step how to stabilize a Hyperlapse completely without the warp stabilizer.
I will also guide you through difficult editing problems, for example what to do when something blocks your tracker point.
Plus, I give you a lot of tips and tricks to make you Hyperlapse stand out!
File Structure, Importing, Stabilisation, Exporting – & more topics will be demonstrated in After Effects. Learn how to stabilize a Photo Hyperlapse in just 5 Simple Steps or a Video Hyperlapse in just 4 Simple Steps!
What happens if something blocks your tracker? What to do with dust & dirt spots on your sensor? Does your Hyperlapse keep tilting? I will guide you through these & more common problems during your editing process.
Now that you have a super stable Hyperlapse, I will show you how to take it a step further with super simple animations in Premiere Pro (Methods also work in other Video Editing softwares). Let your Hyperlapses stand out!
This course is for anyone who wants to level up their Hyperlapse Stabilisation & Editing skills. But you’ll also learn my entire workflow, including how I set up my projects or how I import & export videofiles etc.