Insect Swarm – Procedural Insect Systems Free Download
What you get
Whether it’s for an old attic, a dark cave or just a colorful nature scene – Insect Swarm systems can help you breathe life into your scene in no time. You want crawling insects, flying swarms or even centipedes? These simulation node systems contain everything you need.
With just a few clicks, the insects move autonomously or guided over the surface you choose or fly through the air! You can also determine which objects the insects are attracted to and which they avoid. If you need them to go somewhere specific, you can use curves to tell them where to go! Each insect gets simulated individually!
Plus, with the purchase of this system, you’ll get 21 different animated low-poly insects that have been optimized for the systems, so you can have thousands of insects running and flying around your scene at once!
That’s not all! The systems as well as the insects are packed into one organized asset file, that lets you drag and drop whatever you need at any time into any project!
The system is not limited to insects! With these systems you could also animate bats, birds, rats, fish, or any other swarm you can think of!
The Download Files
The download includes 3 files with each Insect Swarm geometry node system:
- Crawling Insect Swarm Generator
- Flying Insect Swarm Generator
- Centipede Generator
As well as some examples and instructions.
There is a fourth file which includes all the systems and insects as assets, so you can add them to your asset browser with ease.
Also, a separate folder with all the textures is included but you should not need them since they will be packed into the assets file.