Instagram Photography for Foodies

Instagram Photography for Foodies

 Instagram Photography for Foodies

Do you share your delicious creations on Instagram? Are you a food blogger, baker, pastry shop owner or an aspiring chef, frustrated that your photos never come out as good as your food in reality?

This course will help you change your Instagram photography for good, even if you are a newbie with the camera. It will teach you simple but effective tips on how to create mouthwatering food images.

What you will learn:

  • How to use natural light for most flattering food images
  • How to compose your photos for impressive look
  • How to curate your feed (and do you have to)
  • What kind of props to use for your photography
  • How to edit your images
  • How to create your own Instagram posting workflow
  • Additional tips for better social media engagement
  • You will also see a photo shooting and editing demo
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