Introduction to Adobe Photoshop for beginners Free Download
Hello there, this course, “Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Masterclass for beginners” is an interesting and interactive course that will give you the simple fundamentals on how to use Adobe Photoshop.
My name is Elvis from Tera Creations and I will be taking you through this course STEP by STEP till you achieve and understanding in using and interacting with Adobe Photoshop; with over 6 years’ experience in Graphic design and illustration, this course will give you what you expect from the course.
The mention of the word ‘Photoshop’ creates and understanding of a verb and noun meaning, distorting and working around photos. However, there is more than meets the eye. Adobe Photoshop being a program and software from Adobe inc. is dedicated to giving you solutions ranging from Graphic design, editing and Photo manipulation. More to that, there are other uses of Adobe Photoshop which come in as an advanced course. This tutorial will take you through understanding a few concepts on Adobe Photoshop.