Jerry Ghionis – Wedding Photography – Chapter 103

Jerry Ghionis – Wedding Photography – Chapter 103

Jerry Ghionis – Wedding Photography – Chapter 103
We happily welcome you to Chapter 103.
Starting off with our Ice Pick section, we conclude coverage of Travis and Sarah’s wedding. Jerry will take you through the remainder of their location portraits and the beginning of the reception. This feature is a great example for those times you are working with a tight timeline and are trying to make the most of it.

Following this month’s Ice Pick we bring you, the Posing and Lighting section. Using a reflector to create directional light, Jerry is able to capture shots in a great location with otherwise poor lighting. It’s good to note how the reflector was used in a “non-traditional” manner as well. Watch as a simple setup can create beautiful portraits.

Our Advice section continues on this month with 10 brand new individual images up for critique. Remember that all Pro members are eligible to submit images for Jerry to critique and feature in future months.
Recently, while in Melbourne, Australia, Jerry had the opportunity to photograph our new Ice Queen Lucy. Using nothing more than sunlight and an Omega Reflector, he was able to create some really great looks including the use of shadows. Remember, it’s all about the light.
Overcast lighting can be flat but behind those clouds you must always remember there is sun and that sun still creates direction of light. For this Practice section Jerry photographs a couple in a small urban park. Notice how he poses them to utilize that direction of stronger light.
For our business section, the Tip of the Iceberg, inspiration is the topic. Inspiration can be creative but it can also certainly be business related. Melissa reviews a recent experience she and Jerry had with a company for a recent purchase. What was expected to be a standard purchase, turned into a great over the top experience that has her talking about it this month. This will teach you that being different and setting yourself apart isn’t always in the photograph, sometimes it’s in the business experience.
We finish off this month with the Icing on the Cake and things got a bit hot. Watch as Jerry photographed a sexy couples shoot in the bright sun and used diffusers to provide even lighting. As always, be sure to pay close attention to posing as it was an important part of making this shots a success.

Chapter 103
Ice Pick – Travis and Sarah locations
Posing & Lighting – Using a reflector
Ice Queen – Lucy
Practice – Overcast sun
Tip of the Iceberg – Creative marketing ideas
Icing on the Cake – Katie and Ben