KeyMix v1.0.1 for After Effects Free Download

KeyMix v1.0.1 for After Effects Free Download

Aescripts KeyMix v1.0.1 for After Effects WIN
KeyMix allows you to mix multiple keys on a single layer using masks or a matte layer. Free and un-watermarked for renders under 720p!

Getting the perfect key usually involves pulling multiple keys with different settings and then mixing them back together. KeyMix streamlines this process, allowing you to mix all your keys back on a single layer rather than inside a separate precomp.

Mix using masks or a matte layer. Using masks is more convenient, whereas using a matte layer provides more flexibility and the option to apply tracking data.
Handy mix slider. Fine-tune the mix % to get a perfect blend of keys.
Compatible with feathering and per-vertex mask feathering.
Compatible with CS6 and up, Windows and Mac.

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