Konstantinos Synodinos 0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On Tiktok Download

Konstantinos Synodinos 0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On Tiktok Download

What You Get:

Introduction & Expectations

  • Who the f*ck am I and why you did well to buy this?
  • Understanding TikTok and why it’s a golden opportunity
  • Tik Tok is the greatest audition ever

Finding your Identity as a creator on Tik Tok

  • Who are you? It’s time to be yourself
  • Identify your uniqueness & double down
  • Defining your niche and then define your broader niche
  • TikTok Trends
  • Be the trend
  • Who is the brand face?
  • Leave your ego at the door

Understanding the technical aspects of TikTok

  • Type of account
  • How does the algorithm work? Make him a friend
  • Your 1st video! it’s time
  • How to duet and when
  • How to stitch and why
  • Imporant options to tick when you post
  • Celebrate milestones but not alone
  • How to schedule posts on tiktok
  • Research others like a pro

Music on tiktok – What is it’s role and how to use it

  • What you need to know about music
  • Use music as the main theme
  • Saving sounds/ creating Original ones

Monetizing on TikTok – How I made 6 figures in 8 months

  • Make it intentional and unintentional – plan it from the get go but ignore it
  • Brand partnerships – how to get them
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Upgrade your content into something premium
  • How much to charge – calculator
  • Running a Tik Tok agency or becoming an agent

Engagement on tiktok – How to

  • Outreach engagement
  • Interacting with your audience – Don’t be a diva
  • Q&A Function
  • Tiktok lives
  • How to calculate your engagement rate

Content Strategy

  • Create your series or multi-series – You are a TV station
  • Recruiting Content
  • Create nurturing content – That builds trust and authority
  • Answer questions from your audience – Be inclusive
  • Coming up with ideas – My viral framework/ ideas per category
  • Repurposing
  • Camera shy? Do this
  • Frequency of posting
  • Quantity vs Quality?
  • Being Spontaneous
  • Playlists

My success formula

  • The ratio that led to insane growth
  • Decoding my viral videos

Making your content Searchable

  • Owning your keyword
  • Hashtags on tiktok – all you need to know

Understanding numbers & analytics

  • Time to post
  • Understanding your insights


  • Shoot in the app not your phone
  • Research and analyze the viral content
  • Go after 15-18 second videos first
  • Borderline Clickbait
  • Hijacking the Q&A of others
  • New viral trends discovery hack!


  • Don’t mislead or fool people
  • Don’t treat tiktok like youtube
  • Don’t quit!
  • Don’t come here to sell….
  • Don’t use Tiktok for image/ videos
  • Don’t compare

Video creation A to Z

  • Headlines!!! 50% of the success
  • Everything about shooting within TikTok
  • Set up and equipment
  • My tools for Tik Tok
  • My videos don’t perform well, what now?

Running ads on Tik Tok

  • How to run ads on Tik Tok

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