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Learn Python from Scratch Free Download
Learn Python from Scratch
Python course for beginners[20 hrs], start from basics and then plenty of programs for practice to cement the concept
What you’ll learn:
Introduction to Python, Arithmetic Operations, Concatenation, Boolean Condition,
Comparison Operators, Logical Operators
String, String methods
Lists, List of numbers, List of strings, List methods, two-dimensional list
Tuple, positive indexing and negative indexing of tuples, slicing of tuples
Indexing, indexing of number, indexing of string, positive indexing and negative indexing
Function, assigning input function, data type conversion
if statement, if-else statement, if-elif-else statement, nested statement
for loop, while loop, nested loop
Indentation: Global scope & Local scope indentations
Factorial, Range functions
Dictionaries: Nested dictionaries, applications of dictionary
Exception Handling and its applications
Regular expression: Matching & Extraction, Fine-tuning extraction, greedy and non greedy extraction, parsing and escaping
Learn Python from scratch, the course includes video explanation with introductions(basics) and plenty of solved programs. Some daily life applications have been solved by using the Python language. Downloadable files of Python codes have been attached to all the lectures. The lectures are appealing, fancy and fast. They take less time to walk you through the whole content. Each and every topic has been taught extensively in depth to cover all the possible areas starting from a simple program to a complex one to understand the concept in most possible easy way. It’s highly recommended for the students who don’t know the fundamental of Python language studying at college and university level.
The objective of this course is to explain the Python programming language in a very simple way that is easy to understand. I strive for simplicity and accuracy with every definition, code I publish. All the codes have been conducted through colab which is an online editor. Python remains a popular choice among numerous companies and organization. Python has a reputation as a beginner-friendly language, replacing Java as the most widely used introductory language because it handles much of the complexity for the user, allowing beginners to focus on fully grasping programming concepts rather than minute details.
Below is the list of topics that have been covered:
Introduction to Python
Arithmetic Operations
Boolean Conditions
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
2-D List
Nested dictionaries
Def or defined functions
if statement
if-else statement
if-elif-else statement
Nested statement
for loops
while loops
Nested loops
Range Functions
Exception Handling
Regular ExpressionsWho this course is for:Beginner Python developers
Who this course is for:
Beginner Python developers
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