Lighting Schemes for Photography in a Photo Studio Workshop

Lighting Schemes for Photography in a Photo Studio Workshop

Lighting Schemes for Photography in a Photo Studio Workshop
2hr 52m | Video: 1080p
You will master the light schemes that you can easily apply for your shooting. And ready-made cheat sheets with light schemes that you can take with you for shooting will help to apply all the knowledge gained in the course. With the right arrangement of lighting equipment, you can achieve truly fantastic results.

And if you do not have your own photo studio or you are not ready to spend hundreds of hours to get a decent result, then the best solution for you is to bring along “cheat sheets” with light schemes.

Course program:
1. Reflection from the ceiling
2. Reflection from the wall
3. Top light
4. Upper frontal light
5. Front light
6. Side light
7. Side + backlight
8. Two strips
9. Cat Eye Pattern
10. Scheme for shadowless shooting
11. Scheme for catalog shooting
12. Shell pattern
13. Plate with honeycombs + strips with honeycombs
14. Hard light + white background
15. Hard light + black background
16. Badger circuit
17. Rembrandt scheme
18. Three strips
19. Shooting through the softbox
20. Portrait with three sources

Language: Russian

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