Lindsay Adler – Men’s Portrait & Fashion Posing Guide

Lindsay Adler – Men’s Portrait & Fashion Posing Guide
Posing is one of the fundamental elements of a successful portrait or fashion image. Posing can flatter a subject, express emotion, and create engaging compositions. Unfortunately, many photographers find that directing and posing men can be a real challenge. Because of this, too many photographers tend to take a hands-off approach, relying on their subject to pose themselves – however not all men are confident in front of the camera!  It’s important to have confidence when posing our subjects. Why? Confidence is contagious… but so is insecurity. Your subjects can sense if you are nervous or ill-prepared. One of the central goals of this guide is to help tackle the challenge of posing insecurity and allow you to approach any men’s session with knowledge and a lot of inspiration.  The Men’s Portrait & Fashion Posing Guide contains more than 200 different poses to reference or use for inspiration including poses for sitting, standing, floor poses, stool poses, chair poses, and creative/movement. Pick a section, find your favorite poses and work through subtle variations of each before making a big change!
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