Lynda Gradle for Java-Based Applications and Libraries Free Download

Lynda Gradle for Java-Based Applications and Libraries Free Download

Lynda – Gradle for Java-Based Applications and Libraries
Gradle makes building and testing Java programs easy with its compelling feature set. This course teaches the typical tasks needed to work with a Java project, including compiling code, adding dependencies, running tests, and building a JAR file. You will need a basic knowledge of the Java programming language to complete this course. Instructor Benjamin Muschko walks you through the project structure and source code of a simple Java project, then shows how to apply and explore the Java plugin for Gradle. The course explains how to generate Javadocs for a Java project. Benjamin covers the basics of dependency management. He steps through each task you need to complete, to test a Java project and fix a failed test suite. Plus, Benjamin provides some additional learning resources to deepen your Gradle knowledge.

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