Make Films With YOUR Camera: Fundamentals of Cameras, Lenses, & Sound

Make Films With YOUR Camera: Fundamentals of Cameras, Lenses, & Sound

You want to shoot videos, you have that camera in your cupboard that you always swore you would learn to use properly but never did, and you have decided to do something about it! This class covers all the fundamentals of using your camera for video and audio capture, no matter what your end goal is, and demystifies many of the complex technical parts of filmmaking that you may or may not have heard of.

Topics this class covers

  • Lenses, lens mounts, filters, and adapters
  • Camera bodies: The buttons, menus, settings, and ‘rigging’ of cameras
  • Exposure: What, Why, and How
    • Waveform
    • Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
    • Framerates (slow motion)
  • Advanced settings and terminology
  • Next steps – what to do next if you want to keep learning!

If you just want to watch and learn, then all you will need is a comfy chair and something to take notes on. If you want to MAKE something though, then grab your camera, any lenses and old microphones, tripods, or other camera-related equipment you have gathering dust, and by the end of this class you will be ready to go and film that documentary, short film, branded video, showreel, YouTube video, and literally any other project you have been waiting to start!

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