Mastering Natural Light Course by Mitchell Kanashkevich

Mastering Natural Light Course by Mitchell Kanashkevich

Mastering Natural Light Course by Mitchell Kanashkevich
English | Video: 1080p

Mastering Natural Light Video Course | 88% Off

Each video in the course is packed with information and ideas. I would suggest not watching more than a couple of them in a row. This especially applies to the longer videos. The idea is to absorb the information, reflect on everything, and maybe even re-watch parts of the videos if necessary. If you just breeze through everything, you’ll likely miss out on a lot.

There are exercises in some of the units. I strongly recommend that you do at least some of them. Understanding things in theory is one thing. Understanding from practical experience is something totally different and it is only this understanding that will ultimately help you improve and grow as a photographer.

Every image in the website section of the course enlarges when you click it. Feel free to take a closer look at any of the photographs. After all, a big part of learning takes place when we look at the work of others. There are links and additional bits of information throughout the course. These too will enrich your experience. I encourage you to check them out as well.