Max Rive – From Start to Finish: Tenerife” + ”Bonus Start to Finish” 2 RAW FILESMax Rive – From Start to Finish: Tenerife” + ”Bonus Start to Finish” 2 RAW FILES
An all NEW processing video with next generation processing workflow: During the Camera Raw Processing a unique technique with nd-grad filters will be demonstrated which will result in a perfectly exposed photo. During the processing in Photoshop light rays will be added. Other techniques in this video include color painting, perfect colors with selective colors and color balance, increasing separation between both layers and objects (cactus). The video will end with an in depth demonstration how the photo will be prepared for Instagram. This will include finding the right crop, smart warping, adding darkness, sharpening and saving the file in the right file size without any compression by Instagram.
The bonus video will demonstrate my workflow on one of my popular Instagram photos from start to finish. This video is less in depth and the processing will go much faster than the main video – because my techniques are already explained and because Instagram photos allow a different but faster processing style.