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Meg Bitton — Butterfly Hatter: Post ProcessingMeg Bitton — Butterfly Hatter: Post Processing
English | Video: 720p | 9m
Even though this was a very overcast day there are nice highlights in her face which make it a really good candidate to turn to black and white. Watch as I make some initial adjustments in color and then see the steps I use to make this image black and white. Once that transformation happens, I will enhance the highlights on her face, and bring the viewers eyes right to the subject. I will also increase definition on the butterfly, and make it appear to be much more dimensional and interesting. Then, with just a couple more final adjustments, I’ll turn this image to a soft, yet dramatic work of art. You’ll find a lot of tips and techniques that you can use all the time, when you join me as I edit this Butterfly Hatter!