Messy Memories: Documentary Photography

Messy Memories: Documentary PhotographyMessy Memories: Documentary Photography
Hi! Let’s dive right on in. I want to start with something simple.
My why. My why is simple, yet so very complex. I do this because this life is all we have. These seemingly small moments… they’re actually the big moments. They’re what we have in the end to remember. They’re that time mom dropped a bag of flour in kitchen while siblings giggled to the side and played in it. It’s that time our little ones used the most expressive face that had to tell us something SO serious had happened…. The dog at a roll of paper. It’s the fits our little ones had because we wouldn’t let them run outside in 20 degree weather with shorts and a tank top. It’s all of these and so much more. It’s knowing that these are things we shouldn’t take for granted and documenting them for OUR littles or partners to have when we no longer can tell them. This. This is my why. When my son Logan was born, he had several strokes in utero, they didn’t think he would survive. What crossed my mind as they wheeled him out and my heart broke as I wasn’t sure I’d ever seem again was I need something, anything of him to remember every single detail. I was so very blessed in that Logan DID survive and thrives. He has special needs and I absolutely know how blessed I truly am. My life forever changed in that moment, though. I knew I must document his life, and now all four of my littles. As artists we never know how much this image does currently or will mean to someone else, to ourselves or to our little ones. This is why I encourage you to keep documenting, keep learning, tell the story. I promise, there’s always one to tell and I promise you it’s worth telling!