Michelle Mckay The Beautiful Newborn Preset Collection Free Download

Michelle Mckay The Beautiful Newborn Preset Collection Free Download

Michelle Mckay – The Beautiful Newborn Preset Collection

So many of us adore shooting newborns, whether in the hospital, in baby’s home, or in a studio setting.

Editing for the unique challenges of fresh little humans can be tricky, though – their skin can be red but also present with yellow-ish hues.

They can be blotchy or spotty, their little foreheads can be surprisingly coarse, and these trials can make editing tough.

The Beautiful Newborn Preset Collection was created specifically to combat these challenges. It quickly transforms what would have once been a lengthy editing process into something simple, fast and fun. If you value efficiency or believe in only presenting the very best results to your clients you’ll want to add these presets to your photographer tool box today.


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