Mt. Mograph Midas for After Effects (Win/Mac) Updated

Mt. Mograph Midas for After Effects (Win/Mac) Updated

Mt. Mograph Midas for After Effects (Win/Mac) Updated

The tools in Midas make creating animation smart and intuitive.

– Create intricate animation easily
– Link and control any property
– Millions of uses and combinations
– One of a kind workflow and tools
– Endlessly flexible and fun

Auto-Update: Instant version updates, with no restarts necessary. Brand new tools, upgrades and improvements.

Smart Screens: Each tool has a customized sub-menu that will open when there are more options to explore.

Close Edge: Designated edges that will close the current screen when the mouse leaves the panel.


Home page –

GoDownloads_Lightroom Presets Bundle – 240.5 MB – 13.2 MB

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