Multi Color Brushes in Adobe Photoshop – The Impossible Made Easy – A Graphic Design for Lunch class
Multi Color Brushes in Adobe Photoshop – The Impossible Made Easy – A Graphic Design for Lunch class
Multi Color Brushes in Adobe Photoshop – The Impossible Made Easy – A Graphic Design for Lunch class
This class explains how you can paint with multi-color brushes in Adobe Photoshop. Harnessing the power of the Mixer Brush you can achieve something that Photoshop itself is not capable of doing – painting with multiple colors at the same time. You will learn handy techniques for creating colored elements to use as brushes and methods for painting with them including how to create paths that you can paint with your brushes. As with all the Graphic Design for Lunch™ classes you will find plenty of additional tips and techniques to help you as you use Photoshop everyday. By the time you have completed this class you will be able create and use your own multi-color brushes in Photoshop.