No Budget Filmmaking!
This course is designed for beginners who need all the help they can get. the trick really is to pick up your phone or your camera and start shooting.
We will guide you all through the process if necessary. If you have trouble following the course, email us on and drop us a line.
We are there 100% for you and want you to create this exciting project.
You have a 2 minute project to work on; use Covid as the project and create something that incorporates the dialogue,”show me the money”. Also include a gesture(watch ‘Get Shooting’, for the example.
We want you to do well and can’t wait to see what you can do. Remember to email us and upload your projects(if they are over 2 gig you may wish to consider either crushing them down by using ‘Hand Brake’, or use
So who are we. We are Channel A Media. Both Scott and myself(Steve) are filmmakers, directors and writers. Steve is also an actor and has been for many years. He started out in theatre, moved to TV and then to Film.He has worked in the USA on shooting backend documentaries; one in particular was ‘OPEN SPACES’, that was created from the 9/11 situation. He has also taught both UK and USA in Filmmaking.
Scott is a prolific writer and has written and directed 3 award winning shorts. He has a keen eye and talent when it comes to producing the shorts. One of his award winning films happened over a 10 hour period(that was from inception, shoot and then edit). His second award came from a 24 hour competition. The man is an animal when it comes to shorts.