oeksound Soothe2 v1.3.2 Free Download

oeksound Soothe2 v1.3.2 Crack Free Download

the harshness so your EQ doesn’t have to

  • Remove harshness from any sound source
  • Manage sibilance in vocals and dialog transparently
  • Treat uneven tonal balance from suboptimal recordings
  • Clear muddiness, boominess, and proximity effect

soothe harshness, save time

Soothe2 is a dynamic resonance suppressor. It identifies problematic resonances on the fly and applies matching reduction automatically. This results in a smoother, more balanced sound and saves you from having to notch out frequencies by hand. The reduction only kicks in when and where needed, without affecting nearby frequency areas. This preserves the timbre of the original sound source resulting in a transparent treatment with minimal artifacts.

tame vocal harshness, sibilance, or proximity

Unwanted resonances in vocal recording can be caused by multiple factors: the voice, the microphone, mic placement, the room, and so on. Soothe balances out these resonances – making your voice sound less shrill, the microphone sound better, the proximity just right, and the room less roomy. Instead of notching out frequencies from individual syllables or clip-gaining individual ess sounds, Soothe does the work for you, allowing you to focus on the music.

intuitive enough for beginners

Instead of spending minutes notching resonances, add Soothe and jump straight to deciding which resonances you want to suppress and how much. Use the hard mode for hard problems and the soft mode for a more gentle correction. The attack and release parameters let you slow down the processing. This way, you can use Soothe as an overall tonal balancer.

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