Old Barn and Flower Field Landscape Painting in Watercolor

Old Barn and Flower Field Landscape Painting in WatercolorOld Barn and Flower Field Landscape Painting in Watercolor

In this class, I will show you how to paint this beautiful landscape in watercolor. In the first section of our class, ill talk about understanding your subject and planning your composition. I will share too the materials that you will need and the techniques that you can apply to paint a loose watercolor landscape.

I will show you step by step how to simplify sketching, how to paint the soft blue sky which is essential to create the mood and atmosphere of your painting. I will talk about the different color mixtures that we can create using a few number of pigments to help us paint the flower field with depth and how to make the old barn stand out by adding textures.

I will lead you from painting the base wash to enhancing the foreground and finalizing the painting by adding details and highlights.