Photigy – Secrets of Polarized Light in Jewelry Photography

Photigy – Secrets of Polarized Light in Jewelry Photography
What is needed to start using polarized light in jewelry photography. Where to buy, cons/pros of each material, camera, lens and more  Advantages of using polarized light for a jewelry photographer. You will see where polarized light will give you the most advantage over a “regular”, non-polarized studio light, and where it is not effective and make things worse.  Techniques of shooting jewelry using DIY light modifiers. We’ll show you simple yet effective DIY light modifiers that can be used in jewelry photography for an outstanding results.  Focus stacking in jewelry photography. Course covers focus stacking technique without a focusing rail – simple and effective  The secrets of post production. Focus stacking in Adobe Photoshop, cleaning jewelry image from dust and scratches, how to making diamonds and other gemstones to shine, metal to look polished and other essential techniques is covered in a post-production part of this course
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