Photography 101 ( photography for beginners )

Photography 101 ( photography for beginners ) Photography 101 ( photography for beginners )
This introductory photography class is a simple to follow and good way to get started the right way. Taught by photographer Khaled Nabil, you’ll learn about what camera to get, type of lenses, shutter speed, Light, and ISO to start taking good photos, and then hit the ground to get that work!

The lessons in this course:

    • Introduction, this video will show you what is the course about
    • Cameras, this lesson will explain how to get your first camera
    • Lenses, what are the differences between lenses
    • Light, what are the differences lights
    • How to use the camera
    • Final advice

By the end of this course, you’ll know how to buy your first camera, get the right lens, set up your camera and shoot in manual mode for total control, and create your art.

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