Pitch (and Sell!) Your Graphic Novel: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published

Pitch (and Sell!) Your Graphic Novel: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published

 Pitch (and Sell!) Your Graphic Novel: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published


Demystify the business of publishing graphic novels and learn what it takes to create the PERFECT PITCH. With these lessons and a simple to follow class project you’ll turn the spark of an idea into a compelling pitch for a graphic novel. New to comics? No problem! Even a beginner can learn to tell a great story! If you’ve always dreamed of seeing your story in the pages of a graphic novel, this is the class for you.

What you’ll get out of this class:

  • Experience creating the parts of a graphic novel pitch.
  • A strategy to find the right agents and editors.
  • Advantageous insight into the business of publishing.
  • An overview of the modern graphic novel market.

Who this class is for:

  • Beginners:
    • If you are new to graphic novels, we’re starting right from the beginning with an overview of the market that will get you familiar with popular titles and give you a sense of where your art and story might fit in the market. Publishers are always looking for new talent!
  • Experienced illustrators:
    • If you’ve dabbled in comics and graphic novels but want to level up your pitching skills, this class is packed with professional advice from Ira, his agent, and current editor.