Portrait Photography: How to Shoot & Edit Environmental Portraits

Portrait Photography: How to Shoot & Edit Environmental Portraits

 Portrait Photography: How to Shoot & Edit Environmental Portraits

Learn how to take & edit environmental portrait photographs. 

Have you ever wondered what environmental portrait photography is? How to photograph and how to edit them? Then this course is for you!

In this class, you will join me in learning how to create environmental portraits. Not only will we discuss what they are, but cover good and “bad” examples of them. We will also discuss the relationship between the subject and space, as well as how we can create and edit them regardless of your professional experiences.

Environmental portraits are portraits where the subject and the environment are the main characters of the story you’re trying to tell. They go hand in hand, and the aim is for them to work together to bring your vision to life. You will follow me behind the scenes, and I’ll show you step by step how I create an environmental portrait image. You’ll learn pre-productionproduction (The fun part) and the post-production.

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