Potion of Creativity: Painting a Still Life with the Magic of Watercolor

Potion of Creativity: Painting a Still Life with the Magic of Watercolor

 Potion of Creativity: Painting a Still Life with the Magic of Watercolor
In this class, you’ll learn how to take your watercolors to the next level by using a limited palette to create a still life of a magic potion. I’ll show you step by step how to build up the reflections on glass and using the contrast between earthy and brilliant colors to make your painting pop!

If you have been painting in watercolor long enough to understand the basics and want to take your artwork to the next level this is the class for you. This is applicable for everyone from intermediate to advanced in skill.

Here you will learn

    • How a limited palette can help keep your painting cohesive throughout.
    • How to create convincing glass.
    • How to let the water do the work.
    • How to correct small mistakes.
    • How to use gravity to pull pigment.
    • How to layer
    • How to soften edges.
  • How to use brush sizes to your advantage by saving time and effort.
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