Premiere Pro Beginners Edit : Learn to Edit using a Cooking VideoPremiere Pro Beginners Edit : Learn to Edit using a Cooking Video
Hi, I’m Assad Ali, I’m a Youtuber and a Video content Producer with many years of experience behind the camera and edit bay, I love the video editing process. Over the years I’ve learned (and still am) how to create effective video edit and they work. I want to share my knowledge, not just by explaining what Video Editing Techniques there are, but when and why we use them. So let’s get started with this course on Premiere Pro Beginners Edit: Learn to Edit with a Cooking Video.
What will you Learn in this Class?
1. How to organize your footage for a smooth workflow.
2. Premiere Pro interface walkthrough and tips
3. Getting your footage ready for the online platforms
4. How to effectively import your footage inside of Premiere Pro
5. Work with many different Sequences
6. Marking Techniques to enhance your editing workflow
7. Create Subclips from longer clips.
8. Text animation, video effects, and many more…
Who is this class for?
For beginners: It is recommended that you download the cooking videos I have shot for this lesson. However, If you want to use your own videos you may follow the video editing techniques in this class to work on your footage.
- For intermediates: You might already know how to use an editing program but struggle to make an edit flow or ultimately “feel” right. You would like to brush up on your knowledge of video editing techniques, maybe you are aware of some of them but are open to seeing them from a new perspective? This is also a great way to practice and experiment with the project’s footage and/or follow along with your own project and apply what you learn!