Python Django: Ultimate Web Security Checklist 2022

Python Django: Ultimate Web Security Checklist 2022

Python Django: Ultimate Web Security Checklist – 2022
Learn how to secure your Django web application | Two-Factor Authentication | Theory and hands-on demonstrations

Welcome! I’m here to help you ensure that your Django web application is secure for deployment.

This course is primarily intended for developers who have a basic knowledge of Django and want to secure their web application by integrating the following security strategies and more:

– Integrate a reCAPTCHA

– Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

– Manage failed login attempts

– Add a session timeout

– Password management

– Configure behind the scenes security settings

– Additional security measures*

I want to help YOU to fully secure your Django web application.

The Python Django: Ultimate Web Security Checklist course has been structured in a simple and logical order. Everything that has been designed from the styling to the graphics and topics covered is crafted with the absolute duty of care towards the student.

  • It covers a variety of topics that will ensure that your website is safe and secure.
  • It is mixed with theory and practical hands-on demonstrations.
  • The course is structured in a logical and cohesive way – not just random slides plastered everywhere.
  • It starts off very simple and then builds on gradually throughout the course.
  • This course is jam-packed with lecture slidesPDF walkthroughscode snippets/references and comes along with the full project source code – as a zip file.
  • All 80 + slides are available as a downloadable PDF.



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