Rendering Impressive Architectural Interiors in 3ds Max and V-Ray Free Download
Rendering Impressive Architectural Interiors in 3ds Max and V-Ray
Throughout this 3ds Max and V-Ray tutorial we’ll go through the complete modeling and rendering workflow for three architectural interior scenes.
Throughout this 3ds Max and V-Ray tutorial we’ll go through the complete modeling and rendering workflow for three architectural interior scenes.
You’ll learn how to light and render both day and night scenes, as well as create your own fast-rendering architectural materials. You’ll learn about the various modeling techniques essential to architectural workflows including: Working with CAD plans, modeling couches, chairs, tables, kitchens and you’ll even learn to create flowing curtains and bedding using cloth simulations.
By the end of this 3ds Max and V-Ray training, you’ll be able to work and think like an interior architect: Model and render any piece of furniture, and easily be able complete your work within very short deadlines.