Ryan Lee – Second Act Bootcamp Download
You will learn EVERYTHING you need to turn your second act into a solopreneur business that’s simple, significant and lights you up.
We’re focusing on more lifestyle businesses you can run from anywhere.
Maybe you want to turn your experience in finance into a digital product teaching investing? Perhaps you’d like to be a coach or consultant? Or you’d love to start a vitamin-infused coffee e-comm company?
On the first day we start from the VERY beginning.. with your “idea”. And we get rockin’ from there.
Topics that’ll be covered include: personal vs company branding, product creation, simple tech, marketing, growing your social, and so much more.
Everything is 100% focused on helping “Second Act’ers” get clarity, take action and avoid the pitfalls.
Ryan Lee – Second Act – 4.0 GB
Ryan Lee – Second Act – 3.8 GB