Screen Recording – How to Record & Create Tutorial Videos

Screen Recording – How to Record & Create Tutorial Videos

Screen Recording – How to Record & Create Tutorial Videos
Screen recording, webcam recording & video editing! How to make videos, video tutorials, promo videos or online

What you’ll learn:
A to Z – How to create video tutotrials for your product, brand or company
Best screen recording workflow (including webcam if you choose to)
Basic video editing
How to sound great with any microphone
Building a professional home studio with any budget – low or high
Edit images to prepare engaging thumbnails and promotional material

Working PC or MAC
(Optional) USB/XLR Microphone – optional but strongly advised
(Optional) Webcam
Willingnes to practice! I added example footage and resources you will practice on
No previous knowledge or experience is required

Do you find it difficult to record your screen, add a webcam, and edit everything?

Are you getting lost in the number of programs, devices, and possibilities on the market?

This course will be the only one you need to learn screen recording and tutorial creation!

I will teach you a consistent and streamlined workflow for producing tutorial videos quickly and effectively!

You will learn basic video editing which will be easily enough to produce your first 100 videos

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