Setup WordPress Ecommerce Website using WooCommerce in 2021 Free Download
Setup WordPress Ecommerce Website using WooCommerce in 2021
2021, Learn how to set up an e-commerce store with WordPress and WooCommerce! In Just 10 Simple Steps.
Announcing The Brand New May 2021 Update, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You How you can build a Ecommerce Store with the help of WooCommerce and WordPress…
“Finally Discover How to Create Your eCommerce Store With WooCommerce So You Can Start Generating Leads, Sales, & Profits!”
In this step-by-step video course, you will get to watch over my shoulder as I show you how to set up an e-commerce site with WooCommerce.
From the Desk of:
Taarush Kane
Dear Friend,
Whether you’re selling digital products or physical products, creating an e-commerce store is your first step.
While there are a variety of different platforms that you can use to set up your e-commerce site, WooCommerce is the number one option if you are utilizing WordPress.
If you’ve wanted to sell your products online for a long time, but you just haven’t been able to do so because of the technical learning curve, then this is your solution.
By the end of this video course, you’ll have the necessary knowledge to set up your e-commerce site from scratch on the WordPress platform.
Video #1: Introduction
Before we jump right in and show you how to set up your e-commerce site by using Woocommerce, we want to give you a quick overview of what’s inside this video course. This way, you can get a Birdseye view of exactly what is inside this course. You will also learn how to install the main core plug-in.
Video #2: Themes
Before you get started, you want to make sure that your e-commerce site looks good. The reality is most of us are not graphic designers, and if we were to create an e-commerce shop design, it would most likely look ugly. So how do you get around this roadblock? The secret is to find seems that have already been created for e-commerce sites that either fit your target market or it is close enough that you can customize it a little bit further. You’ll learn which sites we recommend you going to find the e-commerce design that you’re looking for.
Video #3: General Settings Overview
Now that you have a good idea of where to get your e-commerce website design, it’s time to look under the hood and go over the General settings of the WooCommerce plug-in. Well, there are a lot of settings, we will go over every single one of them step-by-step.
Video #4: Product Settings Overview
Now that we have gone over the General settings, it’s time to look at the product settings, which will allow you to add specific products to your e-commerce site. This also includes other options, such as creating coupons.
Video #5: Product Organization
The harsh reality is when you begin to add many products; your system will become disorganized and confusing as to what is what. To help you combat this, we will teach you essential product organization or another word on how to organize all of your products so that you know precisely what is white and where it is located.
Video #6: Product Attributes
What if you’re selling skateboards as an example? And you have all different colors such as red, green, blue, brown and more. You get the point. This is what we call attributes. They are simply variations or customizations of the same product.
Video #7: Payment Gateways
Woocommerce allows us to extend its in-built payment system to write our own native payment gateways with different payment aggregators in our localities. This is especially needed in communities that have more payment methods other than Credit/Debit cards or PayPal. After this video, you should be able to add mobile payments or other forms of payments into your Woocommerce website.