Shape Building Masterclass: Working with Shapes in Adobe Illustrator

Shape Building Masterclass: Working with Shapes in Adobe Illustrator

Shape Building Masterclass: Working with Shapes in Adobe Illustrator
Take your shape building to the next level by understanding Illustrators Shape Creation Tools! Learn to customize shapes with ease using live shapes and keyboard shortcuts. Take advantage of Illustrators pathfinder panel and unlock all the possibilities hidden within.

If you are a beginner to illustrator this class will jumpstart your understanding of the shape creation tools in Adobe Illustrator. If you are a veteran Illustrator user, we will cover some helpful tips and tricks that will speed up your current practice exponentially.

What you will learn in the class:

    • How to create and edit basic shapes with ease
    • Understand how to control and customize the star and polygon tools
    • Work with the Pathfinder Panel to create custom shapes
    • Understand what each of the Pathfinder settings do
    • Unlock the hidden tricks of the Pathfinder Panel
  • Learn useful keyboard shortcut to increase your efficiency