Sharpen Smartphone Photos Using Mobile Editing Apps

Sharpen Smartphone Photos Using Mobile Editing Apps

 Sharpen Smartphone Photos Using Mobile Editing Apps

Do you love incredible details in your photos?

This course is the companion to my other Skillshare course ‘Capture Tack-Sharp Photos On Your Smartphone’ – link here.

Once you learn how to set up and capture tack-sharp photos on your smartphone, the next step is to increase overall sharpness and extract incredible details exactly where you want in the photo.

Avoid the tell-tale signs of over-sharpening and make your photos look like they were captured on a mirrorless or DSLR camera!

You will also discover the techniques to reduce and balance noise artefacts with a sharpness to achieve the best possible version of your photo.

Imagine being able to confidently capture and now edit tack-sharp photos every time in any conditions? You can even recover some of your discarded photos and make them your new favourites.

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