Shooting in Full Sun With Ace Fanning

Shooting in Full Sun With Ace Fanning

Shooting in Full Sun With Ace Fanning

Shooting at less than ideal times came out of necessity for me– when I first started photography, I was in college full time and working a part time job, the only time I had available for my business was the weekends. This meant every Saturday and every Sunday I would shoot a 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM and 3 PM session– I didn’t have the luxury of shooting whenever I wanted, if I was going to make this business grow, I had to get in as many clients as possible, whenever I could. I say this all the time, but there are so many times I wish I could go back to the times when I didn’t know shit about photography, because I learned the most during those times. As soon as I started to really comprehend photography– I started to become more scared of trying new things. I had no clue I was supposed to be scared of shooting at these times– in fact, I shot in “landscape mode” for the first year of my business because, “the colors seem nice!” Time of day was the least of my worries.