Skillshare – Trendy Kinetic Type Animation In After Effects Free Download

Skillshare – Trendy Kinetic Type Animation In After Effects Free Download

This is an After Effects beginner course on trendy kinetic type animation, you might have seen these fun and playful typography animation all other the internet and wonder how to animate them. In this class, I will peel back the curtains and teach you from choosing your own word all the way to the final render of the animation. We will explore 10 different design and animation styles so that you can start using the techniques to explore your own animation right away. This class is for beginners who have little animation background, however, I am not going into the detail of how After Effects and the program work, we will dive deep into the animation right away and you can follow along the class even if it’s your first time using the software. during the class we will cover:

Finding inspiration
Free and paid plugins
Looping animation
Design the type
Animate 10 different styles
Prepare files in Illustrator
Importing artwork
Manipulating layers
Layer Organization
Creating a Composition
Keyframe Animation
Simple animation principles
Working with graph editors
Working with Special Effects
Working with 3rd party assets
Animating vector artworks
A variety of tools inside After Effects
Keyboard shortcuts
Workflow tips and tricks
And so much more! Once you’ve completed this course you’ll be fully equipped to take on different kinds of type animation and start explore them confidently on your own.

SkillshareTrendyKineticTypeAnimationInAfterEffects.part2.rar – 180.0 MB
SkillshareTrendyKineticTypeAnimationInAfterEffects.part3.rar – 180.0 MB
SkillshareTrendyKineticTypeAnimationInAfterEffects.part1.rar – 180.0 MB
SkillshareTrendyKineticTypeAnimationInAfterEffects.part4.rar – 156.7 MB

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