Sue Bryce Photography – Shooting In Small Spaces

Sue Bryce Photography – Shooting In Small SpacesSue Bryce Photography – Shooting In Small Spaces
English | Video: 720p | 1hr 15m

Today we shoot live from Nikki Closser’s garage studio in Seattle. We’ll explore working with small space and light.
My first studio in 2001 was a converted country garage that was 63 square meters (675 square feet) which is over twice the size of Nikki’s space today. When you are confident shooting in small spaces, you can have great business success in modest surroundings.
I have seen people start portrait businesses in lounges and living rooms and garages and local parks. It doesn’t really matter. I have done a $3,800 sale on a laptop at Starbucks. YOUR CLIENTS JUST WANT TO FEEL GOOD and be seen as important. ANYBODY is capable of providing that no matter how humble their modest studio.