Sunshine in a Bag – Flash Photography Tips for Lifestyle Photographers with Colie James

Sunshine in a Bag – Flash Photography Tips for Lifestyle Photographers with Colie James

Sunshine in a Bag – Flash Photography Tips for Lifestyle Photographers with Colie James

Flash gets such a bad name with non-studio family photographers.  “Natural light photographer” is a badge of honor many of us declare on our websites to make sure clients know we won’t be using a flash.  On dark and dreary days, we reschedule sessions hoping for better light another day.  However, there are some sessions where the luxury of rescheduling does not exist.  In these situations, flash should just be seen as another tool in your bag to get the job done.  The alternative is relying on high ISO images which may or may not be a viable option depending on your equipment and the amount of ambient light in the house.