SVS Learn – Smooth Blends in Acrylics – dry brush technique Free Download

SVS Learn – Smooth Blends in Acrylics – dry brush technique Free Download

SVS Learn – Smooth Blends in Acrylics – dry brush technique
Have you ever wanted to learn how to use acrylic paints to create beautiful illustrations? Many people have struggled using acrylics because they “do NOT behave like oils” or “they dry too fast.” In this video, Will Terry will show you step by step how to use the fast drying attributes of acrylics to your benefit. Dry brushing is one of the many techniques that artists have used to smoothly transition from warm colors to cool colors – dark to light. This video breaks down the materials you will need, the preparation of the surface, and the painting technique you can follow to achieve soft blending of your colors and values.
Will Terry has been teaching how to paint in acrylics for many years at UVU and BYU and brings his experience to He began his career working exclusively in acrylics beginning in 1992 until he transitioned to digital in 2011. Working traditionally is sometimes easier to create “happy accidents” and will always generate an original. Art directors are always looking to a fresh style and working in a new medium can sometimes unlock new ideas waiting to be discovered.