T shirt Design in Affinity Designer for Desktop

T shirt Design in Affinity Designer for Desktop

T shirt Design in Affinity Designer for Desktop


A complete path from novice to pro in Creating, Presenting and Posting your custom t shirt designs in Affinity Designer.
There is nothing like the feeling of seeing your finished design on something you made, knowing that the concept you had in your brain, you are able to place out there on a physical object, and a T-shirt is the most personal expression of that.



A T-shirt is how we communicate to the outside world, what we believe, what we associate our identities with, and it is also one of the fastest growing markets online….so how do you do it? How do you tap into this skill, this opportunity? The short answer is learning simply with Affinity Designer, that combines the best of illustrator and photoshop into one program.

Course description

In this course we break down the tools most commonly used by T shirt designers to create 6 T shirts from concept all the way through mock-up in this 8-hour mega course. This is NOT those 2 hour “promise to take you from zero to hero” type of course we are spending 8 hours with you and teaching you ONLY the most valuable frequently used tools you need to learn everything from text to high detailed vector artwork.

This is done by infusing the course into 3 integrated topics.
The technical side of designing a T shirt in Affinity Designer.
The business side of the T shirt making business.
The technological side of printing the actual T shirts
How is the course different from other courses out there …?

We utilize proven learning theory through dedicated studio presets that keep ONLY the tools you use all the time in your tool bar, thus cutting the learning time and increasing the retention on the tools.
We structure the projects in a succession order so that the tool introduced previously are reinforced in subsequent projects.
We add animation and sketching on screen to assist in the retention and explanation of topics.
Included in the course.

8 hours of content – 6 Projects to help you learn how to design in Affinity.
Resources for each section- You don’t even have to come up with an idea…. we provide it.
Dedicated support in the event of questions
T shirt mockup templates
Asset packs used in projects in Affinity Designer.
Working files for each design so you can follow along.
PDF handouts for business models and technologies used in printing.
Why this course on Skill Share?

70K students and Climbing.
Facebook communities with over 12K members ready to help answer questions and give feedback.
I design, print and sell shirts ……so I know what I am talking about.
By the end of this course you will have 6 projects, complete with templates, tools and assets that you can use to create ANY design you can think of ….and if you get stuck along the way……ask us if you get stuck on your own projects…. we love to help the community that takes our courses.