Tactile Lettering: How to Make Art with Food & Objects

Tactile Lettering: How to Make Art with Food & ObjectsTactile Lettering: How to Make Art with Food & Objects


Have you ever wanted to learn how to create tactile lettering or designs out of food and objects but didn’t know where or how to even start? If so, this class is for you!

My name is Olga Muzician and I am a lettering artist that specializes in digital, chalk, and tactile lettering. I have spent years learning how to create lettering out of food and I want to walk you through my process and show you everything that I’ve learned so far to help you create a tactile lettering piece of your own.

In this class you will learn:

· The basics of tactile lettering and all of the things you’ll need to consider before and during the creation process

· How to prepare sketches and the different ways in which you can utilize them in your final artwork

· What the challenges are of working with food and how you can anticipate and prevent them

· The 3 different ways to letter with food and objects

· How to set up your tactile lettering composition and add props and decorative elements

· The best way to shoot your final art and how to retouch it before presenting it to clients, in your portfolio or on social media

For your class project, you’ll be creating your own tactile lettering piece using your favorite snack or treat as your inspiration.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned lettering artist or illustrator, this class is for anyone who wants to learn more about how to build letters out of tactile objects and wants to expand their work into other mediums.