Technical Lighting: Selections from Dramatic Portraiture with Chris Knight

Technical Lighting: Selections from Dramatic Portraiture with Chris Knight

 Technical Lighting: Selections from Dramatic Portraiture with Chris Knight
This 2+ hour class on technical lighting will teach you how to understand the visual language of light so you can use it to communicate your creative vision as a portrait photographer.

This section of the tutorial Dramatic Portraiture with Chris Knight will cover these subjects:

    1. Quality of Light
    1. Light Modification
    1. Size Matters
    1. Light Patterns
    1. Purpose of Light
    1. Lighting Ratios
    1. Light Shape
    1. Controlling Light
    1. Favorite Setups

By the end of the class, you’ll know everything you need to know about how light behaves, how it can be modified, and how to use light to properly communicate your creative vision to your audience.

At the end of class, you’ll create 5 portraits using the light setups you learned during Technical Lighting, and share them in the Class Project section. Be sure to include what settings you used and what your intent was for each of the photographs.

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