The 20Most Useful Perspective Tips I’ve Picked Up, Drawing Storyboards Professionally For 20+ Years

The 20Most Useful Perspective Tips I’ve Picked Up, Drawing Storyboards Professionally For 20+ Years

 The 20 Most Useful Perspective Tips I’ve Picked Up, Drawing Storyboards Professionally For 20+ Years
For over 2 decades I’ve drawn thousands of storyboards, usually very quickly. But I’ve wasted plenty of time struggling with more drawings than I care to remember. So when a juicy, problem solving nugget crosses my path, I snatch it up and improve.
This class gives you those priceless nuggets. Some I acquired by accident, some by just having to figure it out the hard way, some thanks to helpful colleagues and some by hunting through books or online.

Unlike me, you can have them -BOOM- just like that!

They can make you better and faster. I hate getting stuck in the weeds when I’m trying to tell a story.

Quickly composing endless frames in no time has become so much easier.

If you have a drawing tool, and a desire to improve you can just jump right in. The lessons are short and to the point. But there’s a lot in there.

I start with the the most fundamental concepts, and continue from there. I wouldn’t skip anything, but of course you can pick and choose if you like.

This is not a super detailed, brain frying perspective course. It’s very hands on. It’s just the really practical stuff you can start using now, without needing to get out your protractor and slide rule!

Having said that, if you  really want to fry your brain, perspective as a subject has plenty of rabbit holes you can go down!

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